May update

Below is a letter from Dr. David Goodman, a new friend that we met this past week while he was visiting our hospital. He is a practicing OB/GYN in Orlando, Florida and gave a week of his time to help lend a hand and guide us on women’s care in Honduras. We are thankful for his expertise and instruction that will help us care well for our patients into the future.

From Dr. Goodman:

It’s a small world, and one worth loving.

Do you ever wonder if your monthly support is worth it? What if someone sent a secret spy to see what was happening in Honduras? That’s what I did. (Sort of.) Totally unaware of Andrew and Alisa, I came to Loma de Luz to investigate it as a place where my family and I, along with residents from Winnie Palmer Hospital, could serve on a recurring short-term basis. When I arrived in Balfate I met a couple of Gators, and we connected over the joys of life in Central Florida. Eventually, we figured out that my brother- and sister-in-law help support Andrew and Alisa. What a small world. What a great opportunity to see that support in action.

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Alisa and David

Loma de Luz is a busy mission hospital that provides high-quality care to patients who otherwise could not access the full range of medical services offered there. It is easy to praise a hospital for flashy things such as trauma surgery, high-risk obstetrics, and treatment of exotic diseases. The reality is that a lot of normal has to happen in order to lovingly care for people. There are pregnant women that need OB appointments, chronic conditions that need to be controlled, infections that need to be cared for, and postoperative patients that need to recover. That is where Andrew and Alisa come in. On top of taking overnight call, dealing with things far beyond most advanced practice providers’ scope, they provide essential daily services that help Loma de Luz be a light on a hill as the name implies. I was impressed at how consistently they were buzzing around with smiles on their faces taking each challenge in stride.


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Dr. Goodman in surgery at Loma assessing a pelvic mass.

Recently in his sermon on the Sermon on the Mount, Matt Chandler of the Village Church made the statement that ministry to the poor is our “ethical act of worship”. That somehow when tuning out hearts to those in need we are simultaneously worshipping God in a way that is pleasing to him. Andrew and Alisa offer their lives to the people of Honduras in a worshipful, joyful way. They are an integral part of the team that provides great medical care. They are an image of Jesus in a culture that struggles to see Him properly. I encourage you to see your support as money well invested. Thanks for all you do help improve the lives and shape the eternities for people in Honduras.

David Goodman MD, MPH

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Dr. David Goodman, wife Bethany, and two sons Deacon and Alden